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Daily Sawmill Service

Total quality control

Lyft & Kran's undertaking is to contribute to an efficient and problem-free sawmill production. Looking ahead is a self evident foundation for our quality undertaking. After more than 20 years of operation, we know the routines that are necessary to maintain a machine park without expensive stoppages.

We have built up a very reliable support organization with our own service workshops. We optimize and adapt our vehicles to the often very tough conditions in the sawmill environment. Moreover, ongoing technical development of machinery and equipment takes place, both at our own workshops and together with our suppliers. This includes development of vehicle computers for more exact logistics and financial control.

A contributory factor in our quality profile is also our very good collaboration with our sub-contractors, for example, tyres, oils, fuel and repairs.

Lyft & Kran´s undertaking is part of the client company´s certification at environmentally certified sawmills. We make an agreement with the client on how environmental requirements and routines are to be guaranteed and we undertake regular reviews to chek that we have complied with what has been agreed.

Lyft & Kran implements entrepreneurship among its personnel! Taking responsibility and quality awareness are based on knowledge, and we place great importance on the further training and development of all our personnel. Concretely, this means, for instance, training machines operators in efficiency, service-mindedness, safety and technology. Our personnel are quite simply experts in handling timber and wood products!

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