Logistical Solutions
Raw material in...
The first step in Lyft & Kran´s undertaking is unloading of incoming raw material. We customise routines according to client wishes and conditions on site. Our large machine park provides scope for a number of flexible solutions according need.
Transport of timber to and from any intermediate store and to intake in the production plant are optimised to ensure an even and a problem-free production flow. We use modern timber handling machines with a load capacity of up to 25 tonnes.
...finished product out.
The finished sawmill products are taken care of, and this always means, of course, that we optimise routines and handling methods on the basis of clients wishes. Intermediate storage and shipment by lorry to train are taken care of with tha aid of fork lift trucks with a load capacity of 12-16 tonnes.
Lyft & Kran´s agreements are normally based in the price per cubic metre of sawn product. We regard it as a service and a guarantee of quality to our clients. This makes it easy for the client to calculate the profitability and efficiency of the operation.
Curious about how the projected cost would look for you? annemari.alanen@lyftokran.se